Sunday 28 November 2010


are these really Britains?


  1. I think so...I had the bagpipe player and he belonged to a britians set...I´m sure (was a long time ago though)

  2. Yes, they are lowland scots Britains set #212- Royal Scots, but are repainted to depict some different regiment. The piper is a typical glengarry piper from Britains used in most scots regiments, but also repainted.
    Of course I am assuming they are hollowcast, as are all Britains originals prior to 1966. In case they are solids, they are Britains copies.
    Check how heavy they are and check the base underneath for clear Britains engraved. If the engraving is there and there is a seam dividing the rectangle, they must be copies. Nice little group, though.

  3. thanks guys.did hill ever do ffl
    i bought a ffl on guard with bayonet outstretched, beautiful piece
