Tuesday 31 March 2009


  1. two conversions.
    its spring.At least from my window in Italy

    Twwo of my painted for sale US figures. Also unpainted

    A Hinton with my US officer crossing the Rio Grand

    US dragoon

    Mexican infantry.All the figures are on sale.They are the last.

    Spring has come so heres the Mexican War range that I do.They are 54mm cost £5.50 foot and 11.95 mounted all boxed.theres about 14 figures. Theres just a few sets left. no way I'm getting more done.

Monday 30 March 2009


I don't know where this cvomes from but its a must if you want the unusual in your collection

Thursday 26 March 2009


The first , a Rifleman, is on my unpainted and painted list for sale.The other I am just painting up.A British Guardsman and the last are Spanish by Almirall.

Plastic Model Kits - TheModeller.com

Plastic Model Kits - TheModeller.com

Wednesday 25 March 2009


Heres some new stuff I picked up but have no idea of what they are apart from the Zulu.Thats part of my painted for sale list and is four pounds.

Tuesday 24 March 2009


here is is a Hill/Crescent (?) piece I modified as regards the lance.

Monday 23 March 2009


this piece by Barclays USA is going for around a hundred dollars on E,Bay and theres plenty of bidding.Must be rare

Saturday 21 March 2009


The Rourkes Drift British infantry are from my painted list and cost four pounds each.The Guardsmen below are a couple I picked up at a market recently I don'tt know what they are.The last is an Authenticast Danish Guardsman avaible from my recast list.

Friday 20 March 2009

These are soldiers that are a bit of a cross between Toy and model.The Swedish triooper facing the British one are part of my recast stock and come from Authenticast.
The others are Almirall and I only have a few left. >Sorry the Russian is a one off and not Almirall. I bought it by chance off some Russians off a pavemnt in Milan literally!

Thursday 19 March 2009


This is a series of Toy soldiers that I'm painting up.They are part of my catalogue but I do not produce them.The cost is £25 pound per box five in a box.I have the last two sets.Then its finished.

Wednesday 18 March 2009


This is an addition to my catalogue. Foot soldiers are £5 plus Cavalry at tenpounds.
The indian army Rifleman is painted in the colours of the Indian mutiny.

Tuesday 17 March 2009


THis was the first model soldier I ever converted. I was pleased with it because I tried to get a battle torn look from Antietam. Note that unioform is an early one.

Monday 16 March 2009


Here are some past glories and some present ones of the ECW. Plus a French kit of Wellington.Triang produced these figures of Oliver Cromwell and Charles while below are the new Replicants toys of the execution of Charles. Only trouble with Replicants is that they let all their business out to someone else as regards orders.It was great doing business with them directly.Bad move .